just as the source of light is burning . ちょうど光の源が燃えさかる様に。
it was very dark , the only source of light そこはとても暗くて
because now the sun's gone , we have no other source of light 太陽はもう光を放たず 他に光源がないと困りますから
his shigo (a posthumous name ) was enman hoko kokushi (perfect source of light who teaches the lands ). 諡号は円満本光国師。
the source of light is a candle --- at present , an electric light is more common for safety --- and the outside frame has a paper screen . 光源は蝋燭(現在は安全のため電気式のものが普通)で、二重の枠のうち紙を張った外側の枠がスクリーンになっている。